Image by Tri Saputro/CIFOR


Expert opinion, insight and comment on today’s most pertinent issues relating to sustainable development and ending poverty

Latest blog posts

19 June 2019

How resource allocation for climate change and DRR by Kenya's county governments has the potential to support the progress of people out of poverty

How investments to mitigate and prevent climate change and disasters might ensure sustainable development and reach the poorest and most vulnerable people

Written by Henry Odhiambo

Engagement & Partnerships Manager

30 May 2018

The needs of Kenyans by county: exploring the latest poverty data

Steve Kenei explores the latest poverty data by county, and how it can be used to ensure that devolution in Kenya is delivered effectively.

Guest author

Written by Steve Kenei

16 May 2018

Leveraging data to achieve universal health coverage in Kenya’s poorest arid and semi-arid (ASAL) counties

Kenya is implementing UHC to ensure a healthy population in ASAL counties. Quality data on health and resource requirements are needed.

Written by Boniface Owino

Senior Analyst

10 May 2018

Devolution is working for Kenya, but quality data can make it work even better

This blog post accounts how devolution is working in Kenya and in what ways quality data could drive devolution promises and the Big Four agenda.

Written by Henry Odhiambo

Engagement & Partnerships Manager

25 January 2018

Is Elgeyo Marakwet County allocating resources to the health sector according to its health needs?

Using our Spotlight on Kenya, we explore the needs and resource allocations in the health sector in Elgeyo Marakwet County.

Written by Boniface Owino

Senior Analyst

14 December 2017

Exploring inequalities in the health sector in Kenya: Who’s left behind?

Not everyone in Kenya has access to the same healthcare opportunities. Using our Spotlight on Kenya, we analyse county performance in 3 health indicators

Written by Boniface Owino

Senior Analyst