Image by Rikolto (Vredeseilanden)


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5 December 2019

Donors at the triple nexus: lessons from the United Kingdom

To address the impact of crisis on poverty, risk and vulnerability and ensure that ‘no one is left behind’, building synergies between short-term humanitarian assistance and longer-term development and peacebuilding approaches is vital.

2 December 2019

Field perspectives on multi-year humanitarian funding and planning: How theory has translated into practice in Jordan and Lebanon

Important evidence on the reality of predictable and flexible multi-year humanitarian funding in the contexts of Jordan and Lebanon, with recommendations for the global Grand Bargain workstream on enhanced quality of funding.

Discussion paper
11 October 2019

Measuring the state of civil registration and legal identity

In this paper we propose an efficient new system to monitor digital civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) and legal identity systems.

Discussion paper
7 October 2019

How blended finance reaches the poorest people

Our paper examines the impact blended finance can have on the poorest people, and asks how their progress can remain central to decision-making.

2 October 2019

Financing trends in crisis-affected contexts: Launch of the 2019 Global Humanitarian Assistance report

In this webinar we present the findings of the 2019 Global Humanitarian Assistance report and what they mean for finance in protracted crisis contexts.

30 September 2019

The Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2019

This year’s report contains detailed analysis of the international financing at work in crisis-affected contexts. Navigating the increasingly complex and changing financing landscape, the report includes new analysis of the wide range of resources going to recurrent and protracted crisis response countries.

19 September 2019

Failing to reach the poorest: Subnational financing inequalities and health and education outcomes

This report from DI and ODI looks at how effectively subnational financing targets regions with the worst health and education outcomes.

29 August 2019

Harmonising registration and identification in emergencies in Somalia

In this report we look at cash transfer programmes in Somalia and how data systems could be harmonised to better support them.

5 August 2019

Uganda disaster risk reduction budget tracking: what are the key areas of investment?

This report assesses investment in Uganda disaster risk reduction programmes, presenting a risk-sensitive review of budgets from 2016/17 to 2018/19.