Image by Rikolto (Vredeseilanden)


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21 June 2017

Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2017

15 June 2017

DFID's aid spending for nutrition: 2015

This report independently analyses DFID’s official development assistance (ODA) spending on nutrition-related projects in the year 2015.

12 June 2017

Baseline report: Implementing and monitoring the Grand Bargain commitment on transparency

This report proposes a baseline methodology and framework to help signatories to meet their Grand Bargain transparency commitments and measure progress.

12 April 2017

Aid spending by Development Assistance Committee (DAC) donors in 2016

This factsheet details official development assistance emerging from the provisional 2017 OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) data release.

Background paper
3 April 2017

Insights into Nepal’s emerging data revolution

This post presents DI's new background paper on Nepal’s emerging data revolution, detailing its context, development, current state and near future.

28 March 2017

Analysis of Kenya’s budget 2017/18: What’s in it for the poorest people?

This report analyses if and how Kenya's 2017/18 budget allocation and redistribution of resources affects poor and vulnerable groups in the country.

28 March 2017

P20 Initiative: Baseline report

This report focuses on the global P20, the poorest 20% of people in the world, in light of the ambitious 2030 Agenda and the 17 SDGs.

24 March 2017

Citizen-generated data and sustainable development: Evidence from case studies in Kenya and Uganda

In 2016, Making All Voices Count commissioned DI and DRT to conduct a one-year study on citizen-generated data in Kenya and Uganda.

Discussion paper
23 March 2017

Implementing and monitoring the Grand Bargain commitment on transparency

Grand Bargain signatories made commitments to be more transparent by adhering to IATI and using a common digital platform. This post assesses progress.