Gender-based violence and the nexus: global lessons from the Syria crisis response for financing, policy and practice
How the global response to GBV can be strengthened by the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. With lessons from the crisis in Syria. Written by Sarah Hanssen, with support from DI's Carina Chicet
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How the global response to gender-based violence can be strengthened by the triple nexus. Lessons for policy, finance and partnerships.
Read the executive summary Download data for the executive summary XLSX 119.5kBChapter One
Introducing our research on GBV at the nexus: including interviews with UN agencies, donors, NGOs and women’s organisations.
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Global efforts at the nexus to end GBV
How humanitarian and development actors provide assistance to end GBV through linkages at the nexus. Prevention and response through policy, finance and coordination.
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GBV in the Syria crisis
Detail on some of the coordination, planning, financing and delivery mechanisms to end GBV in the crisis setting of Syria (and beyond, in Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq).
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Read our conclusions on GBV and the nexus. The need for long-term approaches such as crisis response plans, partnership, localisation and multi-year humanitarian funding.
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Recommendations from Development Initiatives to help humanitarian and development actors at the nexus end GBV. Guidance on strategy, policy, financing, coordination and partnerships.
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