Image by Rikolto (Vredeseilanden)


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Showing 10-18 of 51 results

15 October 2021

What are the ongoing impacts of the pandemic on development finance?

We provide data and projections for Covid-19's continuing impacts on both domestic and international financing flows to countries with high levels of poverty

13 August 2021

Kenya’s increasing use of loans from international financial institutions

This briefing presents in-depth analysis of the loans advanced to Kenya between 2018 and 2021 by international finance institutions and the purpose of this financing.

11 February 2021

Cuts to the UK 2020 aid budget: What IATI data tells us

This briefing compares data published by the UK's FCDO and DFID in 2019 and 2020, showing where aid budget cuts fell among recipients, countries and sectors

8 February 2021

Aid data 2019–2020: Analysis of trends before and during Covid

What key shifts in donors, sectors, targeting and loans during the Covid pandemic are highlighted by new DAC data on 2019 ODA and 2020 aid figures from IATI?

18 January 2021

Aid to LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS during the Covid-19 pandemic

Find out what near real-time data shows about trends for aid to the least developed countries (LDCs), landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) and small island developing states (SIDSs) during the Covid-19 pandemic.

9 November 2020

How is aid changing in the Covid-19 pandemic?

This briefing sets out near real-time data on aid for the first half of 2020. It shows how commitments are changing in the Covid-19 pandemic and where these are most likely to affect the poorest people and places.

4 November 2020

Adapting aid to end poverty: Delivering the commitment to leave no one behind in the context of Covid-19

This report calls for us to refocus ODA (aid) in the context of Covid-19, shifting the ‘leave no one behind’ agenda from inclusive growth to inclusive recovery. It analyses changes to poverty and how the pandemic has impacted finance vital to the poorest people.

2 October 2020

Progress of health and WASH in Kenya’s poorest ASAL counties: In-depth analysis of 10 arid and semi-arid land counties

This factsheet analyses the progress in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and health sectors in 10 of the poorest arid and semi-arid land (ASAL) counties in Kenya.

18 September 2020

Trends in international development assistance to combat pneumonia

This factsheet provides an overview of the latest trends in international development assistance related to pneumonia. Where and how is assistance targeted?