Image by Rikolto (Vredeseilanden)


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Showing 46-54 of 76 results

Discussion paper
14 March 2018

The enabling environment for private sector development: donor spending and links to other catalytic uses of aid

Enabling environment ODA for private sector development is a priority area for developing countries. Donors face pressure to resource private finance.

Background paper
23 February 2018

Coding the P20 – How we developed and coded the P20 Initiative

This paper discusses the data used in the P20 Initiative, highlighting its origins, what difficulties were encountered, and the methods used to analyse it.

10 November 2017

Pro-poor orientation of the 2017/18 Uganda budget

DI Senior Analyst Moses Owori reviews the 2017/18 Uganda budget, and gauges its potential impact on the country's poorest people.

18 July 2017

The care of children in data: Evidence, gaps and opportunities for change in the SDGs

Children and young people outside their family environment remain virtually invisible in official statistics, leaving governments without vital information.

18 July 2017

Key facts on household surveys

An overview of the main international household surveys: what they are, when and where they're carried out, and what some of their data limitations are.

28 March 2017

Analysis of Kenya’s budget 2017/18: What’s in it for the poorest people?

This report analyses if and how Kenya's 2017/18 budget allocation and redistribution of resources affects poor and vulnerable groups in the country.

28 March 2017

P20 Initiative: Baseline report

This report focuses on the global P20, the poorest 20% of people in the world, in light of the ambitious 2030 Agenda and the 17 SDGs.

23 March 2017

A summary of Kenya’s budget 2017/18 from a pro-poor perspective

Kenya’s budget 2017/18 is an opportunity to address the country’s high levels of poverty and inequality and assess how far it helps poor populations.

Discussion paper
20 December 2016

Using joined-up datasets to improve the targeting of health and nutrition funding in Nepal

Raj Kumar Mahato is partnering with Nepal's Ministry of Health to target those overlooked by national Millennium Development Goal (MDG) aggregates.