Promoting longer term approaches in protracted crises: Perspectives from across the nexus
In this webinar DI, NRC and FAO bring together a panel of experts from across the nexus to share their perspectives on how development and humanitarian actors can collaborate to meet the needs of people living in protracted crisis contexts.
In this webinar Development Initiatives (DI), the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) convene a panel of experts with a range of perspectives to discuss how development and humanitarian actors can collaborate to meet the needs of people living in crisis contexts.
The event followed the publication of a series of reports from DI, NRC and FAO examining the role of development actors at the nexus . Using these publications as its starting point, this event aimed to stimulate a dialogue and foster mutual understanding on how development and humanitarian actors can more effectively meet the longer-term needs of crisis-affected populations, integrating peace as a cross-cutting approach, and the challenges they face in doing so.
The discussion looks at key areas for action like flexible funding, local partnerships and ongoing programming, and aims to cement a shared understanding of current challenges and future solutions. It includes a short presentation of new research from DI, NRC and FAO drawing lessons from the contexts of Bangladesh , Cameroon and Somalia , with key takeaways around programming, financing and partnerships. This is followed by a panel debate on challenges and solutions around longer-term planning and programming in protracted crisis settings, featuring expert speakers from humanitarian and development backgrounds, and the session concludes with an audience Q&A.
- Moderator Alice Armanni Sequi, Chief of Pooled Fund Management Branch, UN OCHA
- Anders Frankenberg, Triple Nexus Advisor at Sida, the Swedish Cooperation Agency
- Charlotte MacDiarmid , Senior Policy & Engagement Advisor, DI
- Dr Leonard Mizzi, Head of Unit, Sustainable Agri-Food Systems and Fisheries at the EU Directorate-General for International Partnerships
- Maclean Natugasha, NRC Country Director for Cameroon
- Robert Simpson, FAO Representative in Bangladesh
You can see the original event page here .

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