Image by Department for International Development/Pete Lewis
  • Briefing
  • 29 July 2016

Is Uganda ready to implement Agenda 2030?

The UN held a High-Level Political Forum 2016 on sustainable development in New York from 11 to 20 July. This was the first since the adoption of Agenda 2030


Sophie Nampewo Kakembo

The UN held a High-Level Political Forum 2016 on sustainable development in New York from 11 to 20 July. This was the first since the adoption of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in September 2015. It aimed to track progress of the SDGs and address new and emerging issues.

At the forum, 22 countries made voluntary reviews on their progress and readiness in implementing the SDGs, including crosscutting issues, supported by reviews by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and other inter-governmental bodies and forums. Uganda, being among the first countries to integrate Agenda 2030 in its national planning frameworks, presented a report highlighting its readiness in implementing Agenda 2030 .

This brief focuses on six areas covered in the report and highlights opportunities for Uganda’s development, as well as challenges and constraints that could impede implementation of Agenda 2030.

Download the briefing.