Image by Rikolto (Vredeseilanden)


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Showing 37-45 of 91 results

11 August 2020

How is aid being impacted by Covid-19, and why is it so hard to find out?

In this podcast DI's Anna Hope, Bill Anderson and Amy Dodd discuss how aid is being impacted by Covid-19, and the opportunities and challenges to tracking changes in development finance in real time.

24 July 2020

Aid spent on health: ODA data on donors, sectors, recipients

The latest data on trends in ODA to health. Who are the major donors, and where is health ODA expenditure disbursed, at recipient and subsector level?

24 July 2020

Targeting health ODA to need: Spending by country and disease

Is health ODA spent where need is greatest? Our analysis considers aid in countries facing developmental challenges, and diseases that cause the most deaths.

3 July 2020

Disability-inclusive ODA: Aid data on donors, channels, recipients

How much ODA goes to projects focused on the inclusion and empowerment of persons with disabilities? Read analysis of the scale and channels of aid.

18 June 2020

Merging DFID and the FCO: Implications for UK aid

Analysis of what merging DFID and the FCO could mean for UK aid on poverty targeting, transparency and effectiveness, and recommendations for the new department.

11 June 2020

DFID’s aid spending for nutrition: 2018

As part of continuing efforts to track and better understand donor financing for nutrition, this report analyses the UK’s Department for International Development’s (DFID's) official development assistance (ODA) spending on nutrition-related projects.

4 June 2020

Covid-19 and financing projections for developing countries

This briefing unpacks projections on the likely impact of Covid-19 on financing for developing countries. How can this inform the response to ensure no one is left behind?

4 June 2020

What impact will Covid-19 have on development finance?

This podcast expands on our latest projections of the impact Covid-19 will have on development finance, including all forms of finance from direct investment and domestic revenue to tourism receipts and remittances.

Discussion paper
26 May 2020

The challenges of data on the financing response to Covid-19

This paper, examining the challenges of using financing data sources, launches our series on matching resources to needs in the global Covid-19 response.