• Factsheet
  • 10 October 2018

Understanding illicit financing flows in a development financing context

It's clear that developing countries suffer from illicit financing flows - but what are they, and how can they be tackled with international cooperation?

This factsheet was authored by Maya Forstater, a visiting fellow at the Center for Global Development and a researcher and advisor on business and sustainable development. Her work focuses on the intersection of public policy, business strategy and sustainability including questions around tax and development, financing for low carbon investment and multi-sector partnerships and standard setting.

From 2014–2016 she was Senior Researcher for the UNEP Inquiry into the Design of a Sustainable Financial System. She has also worked with the Transparency and Accountability Initiative (for the Open Government Partnership), the South African Renewables Initiative, the Global Green Growth Initiative, AccountAbility and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.


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[12] Transparency International, 2018. G20 Leaders or Laggards? Reviewing G20 Promises on Ending Anonymous Companies. Available at: https://www.transparency.org/whatwedo/publication/g20_leaders_or_laggards

[13] OECD, 2014. Illicit financial flows from developing countries: Measuring OECD responses.