Overhead cost allocation in the humanitarian sector: Appendix 2
We would like to thank the many L/NNGOs, INGOs, UN agencies, donors, independent experts and other organisations who provided information and shared their experiences with us for the purposes of this study:
Ahmed Abdinasir Mohamed from Save Somali Women and Children; Alia Farhat from Al Majmoua; Azmat Khan from the Foundation for Rural Development; Focus Nepal; Fadi Dairi from Hand in Hand for Aid and Development; Gard Benda Snr from World Voices Uganda; Hogr Chato and Alwand Talaat from PAO; Khaing and Okka from the Gender Equality Network; Mai Kayali from Pekawa; Mohammed Mahrousa from Bahar organisation; Nay Lin Soe from MILI; Nining from LBH APIL Sulteng; Omer Kaya; Puji Pujiano; Reuben Mbauta from the Foundation for Urban and Rural Development; Robi from the Humanitarian Knowledge Hub; Roushon Ali from the National Alliance of Humanitarian Actors Bangladesh; Suzan Araf from Women Empowerment Organisation; Syamsul Ardiansyah from Dompet Dhufata; Virginie Lefèvre from Amel, Widiyarti and Fithri from Human Initiative; Win Tun Kyi, Mary Khin and James M Hre from the Karuna Mission Social Solidarity; Stephen Williams from the Humanitarian & Stabilisation Operations Team (FCDO); Brigitte Mukengeshayi and Charles Pirotte from ECHO, Lars Faber from the Netherlands MFA; Kit Clausen from Danida; Ben Garbutt, Suying Lai, Nitin Bagla, Aso Ahmed, Panji Prawiradiputra and Abbas Kigozi from Oxfam; Fernando Soares and Marcus Danbolt from NRC; Dulon Gomes from World Vision; Fie Lauritzen from DanChurchAid; Ruchi Jannarkar from Trócaire; Michael Mosselmans from Christian Aid; Geert Jan van Dijk from the Dutch Relief Alliance; Rob Hurt from UNHR; Nicole Kim, Peter Matinga Nkhoma, Mela Hidayat and Iva Goricnik Christian from UNFPA; Cristina Contini from WHO; Katie Dimmer from Save the Children; Hind Kambal from IOM; Eileen Larkin from FAO; Wejdan Jarrah and Shahida Arif from NEAR; Umed Ibodulloev from IFRC; Romano Lasker and Bavo Christaens from UNDP; Vassiliki Lembesis from DRC; Uthira Ravikumar from UN Women; Dhaquir Bashir from Concern; Amanda Schweitzer from CRS; Fhakrul Islam from Start Fund Bangladesh; Inge Leuverink from Cordaid; Shane Scanlon and Helen Stawski from IRC; Veronika Schwanz from Kindernothilfe.
This study was conducted by Development Initiatives with the support of UNICEF and Oxfam.
The report was written by Fran Girling with editorial support from Angus Urquhart, Alys McCarthy, Amy Croome (Oxfam), Eilish Hurley (UNICEF) and Luc Chauvin (UNICEF).