Image by Annie Bungeroth/Sightsavers
  • Podcast
  • 20 April 2021

How can data better support disability advocacy in East Africa?

In this podcast DI's Claudia Wells is joined by guests from DI, Sightsavers and the United Disabled Persons of Kenya to discuss how better data can empower disability advocates in East Africa.


Claudia Wells, Martha Getachew Bekele , Edwinah Orowe, Eric Ngondi

In this podcast DI Director of Data Use, Claudia Wells, DI Lead Analyst (East Africa), Martha Bekele, Sightsavers Global Advocacy Advisor, Edwinah Orowe and Board Member for the United Disabled Persons of Kenya, Eric Ngondi discuss disability advocacy in East Africa. Looking at how advocacy can be empowered by better data, and do more to help persons with disabilities to secure their fundamental rights, they touch on key challenges but also examples of innovation from within the Inclusive Futures consortium and beyond.

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This podcast is available as a transcript in either Word (.docx) or PDF (.pdf) format. Music is by Scott Holmes.