Image by Rabiul Hasan/icddr,b
  • Factsheet
  • 25 June 2019

Factsheet: Key trends in global humanitarian assistance 2019

Detailed data on international financing in humanitarian situations: how much is given, who provides it, where it goes and how it is delivered.


This factsheet provides clear and independent top-line analysis of the latest data on humanitarian and crisis-related financing.

The Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2019 (published by Development Initiatives in September) built on this, presenting the most comprehensive assessment of the complex and evolving humanitarian and crisis financing landscape. This year’s report contains new and detailed analysis of financing to protracted crisis situations.

To hear crisis finance experts discuss current and emerging trends, view our webinar, ‘Financing trends in crisis-affected contexts: Launch of the 2019 Global Humanitarian Assistance Report’, which was took place on 2 October. You can find the recording and presentation slides here .

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Photo: Rabiul Hasan/icddr,b