As part of increasing efforts to track donor spending on nutrition interventions and building on previous reviews , ‘DFID’s aid spending for nutrition: 2014’ independently analyses the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID)’s official development assistance (ODA) spending on nutrition-related projects in the year 2014.
DI used the approach developed by the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement Donor Network , which allows for the identification and quantification of donor spending on both nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions. The review is based on data submitted to the OECD DAC CRS and DFID project documents.
The report reveals that DFID maintained high levels of spending in 2014, and disbursed US$868 million of nutrition-related official development assistance (ODA or aid) to developing countries.
Other key findings
- DFID’s spending on nutrition in 2014 was equal to 8.8% of its total bilateral spending
- DFID continued to fund an increasing number of nutrition-specific projects – 28 unique nutrition-specific projects in 2014
- Total nutrition-related spending in real terms decreased slightly between 2013 and 2014, though it remains much greater than in previous years
- DFID’s nutrition-sensitive spending continues to have a wider geographic reach (26 countries in 2014) than its nutrition-specific spending (11 countries in 2014)