Image by Martin Malunga/HarvestPlus
  • Report
  • 3 June 2015

DFID’s aid spending for nutrition: 2013

As part of increasing efforts to track donor spending on nutrition interventions, DFID’s aid spending for nutrition: 2013 independently analyses the UK’s D

As part of increasing efforts to track donor spending on nutrition interventions, DFID’s aid spending for nutrition: 2013 independently analyses the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID)’s official development assistance (ODA) spending on nutrition-related projects.

We (report authors) used the approach developed by the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement Donor Network , which allows for the identification and quantification of donor spending on both nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions.

The report reveals that DFID has increased its total nutrition-related aid substantially over 2012 and 2013, continuing an increasing trend since 2010 identified in our previous assessment: DFID’s aid spending for nutrition: 2010–201 2 .

Other key findings

  • DFID disbursed US$840 million of nutrition-related official development assistance (ODA or aid) to developing countries in 2013, 9% of total 2013 DFID disbursements.
  • The value of DFID’s nutrition-specific aid disbursements increased by 64% between 2012 and 2013, while aid to nutrition-sensitive interventions increased by 76%.
  • Nutrition-sensitive ODA had a wider geographic reach (31 countries) than nutrition-specific aid (11 countries) in 2013.
  • Ethiopia received the most overall nutrition-related aid (US$107 million) in 2013.