On 16 June 2016 we responded a funding alert for Niger, raised in response to insecurity related to Boko Haram activities in the region of Diffa.
From 19 May to 16 June 2016, five Boko Haram attacks (two in Yebi and three in Bosso town) took place in the department of Bosso. As a result, the population of attacked localities fled to safer areas in the region of Diffa. About 280,000 people are displaced (internally displaced people, refugees, and returnees) by the Boko Haram crisis in the region of Diffa.
The UN-coordinated 2016 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) for Niger requested US$316 million from donors to respond to humanitarian needs in the country.
Read our full analysis of the current funding situation .
Download the data as Excel or OpenDocument .
The GHA Programme is partnering with the START network to help to inform its funding allocation decisions. The START network is a consortium of British-based humanitarian INGOs, which has recently launched its own fund to help fill funding gaps and enable rapid response to under-reported crises where need is great.
When the START members issue a funding alert, we produce (within 12 hours) a rapid overview of the humanitarian funding picture – recent funding, an overview of appeals and funds, and analysis of donor trends. The analysis is targeted not only at the START network but also to a wider set of stakeholders engaged in these crises – including donors, humanitarian organisations, analysts, advocates and citizens.
Photo credit: European Commission DG ECHO