Image by Rikolto (Vredeseilanden)


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Showing 73-81 of 91 results

20 September 2022

The Ukraine crisis and diverted aid: What we know so far

DI analyses emerging data on humanitarian and aid funding in 2022, finding that while Ukraine has received unprecedented funding, other crises are behind previous years

1 November 2022

Climate finance: Accounting and accountability

Inadequate reporting and tracking of climate finance data leads to reduced donor accountability. Ahead of COP27, this briefing examines five major issues.

6 February 2023

Aid in 2021: Key facts about official development assistance

Our factsheet highlights key analysis of global aid reported in 2021. It includes the latest DAC data on providers, recipients, sectors and climate targeting.

7 February 2023

Trends in ODA through multilateral organisations

Donors are increasingly providing more earmarked than core funding. This factsheet looks at the current trends in ODA disbursed by multilateral organisations.

Discussion paper
15 March 2023

Scenarios for a 1% GNI external public finance target

How can we meet the complex and intersecting aims of the Sustainable Development Goals? DI's Euan Ritchie investigates the feasibility of a combined development and climate-finance target funded by additional investment from high-income countries worth 1% of their GNI.

31 March 2023

How much aid actually reaches the countries with the greatest poverty? Facts and principles of ODA allocation

Converging global development challenges mean ODA is increasingly stretched. In this report, we unpack some of the key aid figures and drill down into the details to establish whether ODA really is reaching those living in greatest poverty.

Background paper
8 June 2023

Trends in traditional and non-traditional aid flows to Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia

Aid is critical to bridging investment gaps in Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda. In this synthesis paper, we take a closer look at the financing landscape over the past decade.

29 June 2023

FCDO’s aid spending for nutrition: 2021

The latest data on the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)’s aid spending to improve nutrition, with breakdowns by country recipient and sector.

Data tool
30 June 2023

Tracking aid and other international development finance in real time

This interactive data tool lets you track commitments and disbursements of aid and other global development finance between January 2018 and April 2023.