Image by Rikolto (Vredeseilanden)


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Discussion paper
15 March 2023

Scenarios for a 1% GNI external public finance target

How can we meet the complex and intersecting aims of the Sustainable Development Goals? DI's Euan Ritchie investigates the feasibility of a combined development and climate-finance target funded by additional investment from high-income countries worth 1% of their GNI.

31 March 2023

How much aid actually reaches the countries with the greatest poverty? Facts and principles of ODA allocation

Converging global development challenges mean ODA is increasingly stretched. In this report, we unpack some of the key aid figures and drill down into the details to establish whether ODA really is reaching those living in greatest poverty.

6 April 2023

The P20 in Benin: Data to leave no one behind in Atakora and Donga

Based on consultations with partners, data analysis and workshops, this report presents recommendations for using data to reduce poverty in Atakora and Donga.

Discussion paper
21 April 2023

Is the SDG monitoring framework broken?

As the 2023 World Data Forum gathers in Hangzhou, DI discusses challenges within the existing SDG monitoring system and proposes constructive reform.

2 May 2023

Inequality: Global trends

This factsheet presents and interprets recent trends in levels of inequality globally using a number of different datasets.

2 May 2023

Improving gender data to leave no one behind

Better gender data can reduce poverty and inequality. This briefing takes a solution-focused approach to the urgent challenge of closing the gender data gap.

17 May 2023

Still too important to fail: Addressing the humanitarian financing gap in an era of escalating climate impacts

The humanitarian funding gap continues to widen as the impacts of climate change exacerbate humanitarian need. This Oxfam discussion paper, with contributions from DI, sets out the need for renewed reform of humanitarian finance and the wider aid system.

Background paper
8 June 2023

Trends in traditional and non-traditional aid flows to Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia

Aid is critical to bridging investment gaps in Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda. In this synthesis paper, we take a closer look at the financing landscape over the past decade.

8 June 2023

LNOB assessment in Nepal: Data landscaping in Tulsipur municipality

This report, co-produced with BASE, draws on DI's data landscaping work in Tulsipur, Nepal. It explains how to improve the data ecosystem to leave no one behind.